World Tourer - Travel Information - July to September 2014

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World Travel Blog - July to September 2014

26th September 2014

Another wonderful spring day in Palm Cove - 30C plus a sea temerature of around 25C - Paradise. Today was the busiest I have seen Palm Cove Beach since I have been here.

Palm Cove Beach, September 2014

Palm Cove Beach


10th September 2014

Today saw another example of the wildlife that passes below my balcony - a very Large Goanna (about two metres long) walked by and then decided to sunbake for a while.

Big Goanna                Goanna Sunbaking

   Big Goanna                          Goanna Sunbaking


5th September 2014

I have just finished reading Stephen King's latest novel Mr. Mercedes (not one of his better books but OK) and have now read all of the Stephen King books available at the various Cairns libraries . I have read many other books as well during the past twelve months and I will have a rest from reading for a while (I may even do some work!).


30th August 2014

The weather forecast for today said zero chance of rain (again) but by the time I had reached Innisfail, on my way to Atherton, there was a large band of storms ahead. I decided to stay in Innisfail for a couple of hours to let the rain pass. I am now in Atherton camping at Halloran's (for the third time). This afternoon I rode over to Herberton, an historic tin mining town about 20 kilometres from Atherton.

                     Atherton Countryside                       Herberton Steam Engine          Herberton Face Shovel            

Atherton Countryside From Halloran's Hill     10HP Steam Engine 1910    Jaques Face Shovel 1935


29th August 2014

Tonight I am camping at Mission Beach - I rode down to Tully today which was quite tiring as there was a strong gusty cross wind all the way that blew me all over the road and towards oncoming traffic (not much fun). There was nothing special about Tully so I decided to come to Mission Beach for the night. On the way between Tully and Mission Beach I saw a Cassowary cross the road.

Tomorrow I am going inland, up the mountains, to Atherton and will probably stay at Halloran’s Leisure Park again.

Cassowary in Far North Queensland



27th August 2014

The weather in Palm Cove today is glorious - clear sky, gentle breeze and a maximum temperature of 28C - and it still officially winter.

I had been planning to make a trip to Townsville and back but I have put that off as I have been busy. I may take a ride down to Tully on Friday (165 klms) and come back to Palm Cove via Atherton and the mountains (240 klms) on Sunday.


19th July 2014

This morning I visited North Queensland Aero Club at Mareeba to ask about renewing my pilot's licence and hiring their Jabiru J160.
I am now back home in Palm Cove after a tiring trip - in total I travelled about 720 kilometres (most of it in the first two days).

Jabiru J 160 at North Queensland Aero Club


18th July 2014

I am spending the night in Atherton - I was going to stay in Mareeba but decided that Atherton was better - I am staying at Hallorans Leisure Park were I stayed a few weeks ago on my first camping trip.

I stopped at Little Annan River and Palmer River Roadhouse on the Mulligan Highway coming from Cooktown.

I am going to Mareeba Airport in the morning to check out the local flying club as I am considering renewing my pilots licence.

Endeavour River    Coast North of Cooktown    Little Annan River

Little Annan River Falls    Tent and Bike at Hallorans, Atherton


17th July 2014

Camping Trip MKII - I bought a new tent (4 person vs 2 person) and I am now in Cooktown on Cape York (about 330 kilometres from Cairns). I had considered stopping overnight at Mt. Carbine to break the trip but decided to go straight through. I have visited Cooktown once before during my solo circumnavigation flight in 2006. Cooktown is very small and there is really not much here - in fact if Captain Cook had not stopped here (and he only stopped to fix his ship) the place would probably not exist. I only came for a change of scenery.

I will intend to head back home tomorrow but may stop overnight in Mareeba. PS. It has not rained so far.

Captain Cook Statue    Cooktown Lighthouse    Cooktown

Finch Bay    My New Tent


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