World Tourer - Travel Information - January to April 2014

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World Travel Blog - January to April 2014

13th April 2014

The storm has passed - After a wet and wild Friday night and an even wetter and wilder Saturday all is now calm. We had more than 150 mm of rain and winds over 100 kph. This morning there are several fallen trees around and mountains of branches, leaves and other vegetation but apparently no major damage.


11th April 2014

The forecast for tropical cyclone "Ita" has changed - originally it was going to cross Cape York well north of Cooktwon and continue west and dissipate. The forecat now is that it will cross the coast at Cooktown and then move south, southwest and directly over Cairns, where I am. Fortunately by the time it gets here it will hopefully only be a category 1 (currently a category 5). Probably not going to be a beach weekend. The weather forecast for Cairns is a 100% chance of rain and winds to 150 kilometres per hour.

Swimming Pool Furniture

The Swimming Pool Furniture "Stored" For The Cyclone


2nd April 2014

Reading, Reading, Reading - I mentioned in January that I had started to read again (for the first time in many years) - Since then I have read all of Dan Brown's novels (Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol, Inferno, Digital Fortress and Deception Point). I have read several other books as well as more Stephen King novels (Cujo, Full Dark No Stars, Blaze, Cycle of The Wherewolf and The Gunslinger). I am currently reading The Bachman Books and Doctor Sleep (Stephen King).


23rd March 2014

So much for the sky looking brighter - the heavy rain is ongoing (150mm plus over the past week) with forecast of the same to come during the next week. This weather pattern is apparently normal for this time of year (towards the end of the "Wet Season").

I am looking forward to the "Dry Season" so that I can get out and about more and return to the beach.

Duck in Rain Pool

Nice Weather For Ducks


21st March 2014

After two days of heavy rain the sky looks slightly brighter this afternoon. I just photographed a wallaby with a baby joey in her pouch eating the grass below my balcony.

Wallaby and Baby Joey

Wallemena and Baby Wally


23rd February 2014

The weather here in Cairns is still typical "Wet Season" - hot, very humid and lots of rain. Within the next month this should start to ease and become slightly cooler and dryer.

I had a slightly different "Aussie BBQ" yesterday, "Kangaroo Kebabs" and they were very tasty. The meat is very lean and not tough at all. I plan to make a Kangaroo stew with the leftover meat.


5th February 2014

I have decided to reduce the amount of walking and jogging I do as I think I have been overdoing it a little. I had unconciously increased the distances I was covering and then realised that I had got up to an average of around 120 kilometres a week. Recently my back has been a bit stiff and I have stopped jogging altogether. From now on I will walk only and keep it to an average of between 70 and 80 kilometres a week.

The weather here has been cooler than usual for a few days and we have had quite a lot of rain. The monsoon trough is moving South and I think we are in for plenty more rain over the next few weeks.

I consisdered catching the train from Cairns down to Townsville just for a break but decided to wait until the bulk of the monsoon rain has passed. I will probably also rent a car and drive up to Cooktown once the rains have eased.


29th January 2014

Getting ready for the first Cyclone of the season - although it may not even become a cyclone - it is at least going to be a big tropical storm and it is going to cross the coast very close to Cairns where I am. The wind has been gale force for the past two days with lots of heavy rain - this is forecast to get worse tomorrow and possibly Friday as well. One of the main issues is the peak tides of the next two days meaning there may be flooding in coastal areas (not where I am).

There are many disappointed tourists in town because all trips to the islands and also reef cruises have been cancelled (they should have been aware that there are cyclones, tropical storms and regular rain in the "Wet Season")


14th January 2014

The "Wet Season" (Monsoon) has finally arrived - unfortunately for me it arrived when I was 10 kilomtetres from home on my long Sunday walk (I got completely saturated). It has probably rained more in the past three days than it did in the previous three months.

I am starting to re-discover the ability to relax again after being unable to for many years. I would still rather be travelling but I am coming to accept that I will be here for quite some time.


5th January 2014

As I have not been travelling for the past year I have begun to read again. I started with several Stephen King books - Under The Dome, 11/22/63, Carrie, Cell, The Shining and It - Also The Midwich Cookoos by John Wyndham and 10th Anniversary by James Patterson. I have just started Deception Point by Dan Brown.


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